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Sharangadhara Samhita is one of the best books on Ayurveda medicine. Written by Acharya Sharangadhara, the samhita is a part of Laghu Trayee.
The whole treatise consists of 3 divisions, 32 chapters and 2,600 verses.
Poorva Khanda – is the 1st division of the Samhita and comprises of 7 chapters. It deals with the types of medicinal formulations, examination of pulse, processing the food items, numerology of diseases, technical terminology, anatomy, phyisiology, etc
Madhyama Khanda – is the 2nd division of the Samhita and comprises of 12 chapters. It deals with Pancha vidha Kashaya Kalpanas (5 types of Kashayas), Swarasa (fresh juices of herbs), Kalka (paste of medicinal herbs), Kwatha (hot decoctions of medicinal herbs), Sheeta (cold infusions) and Phanta (hot infusions). Preparations of various types of medicinal formulations like Churna (herbal powders), Vati (tablets), Lehyas (confections), Tailas (oils), Asava and Arishta (fermented herbal preparations), Rasa aushadhas (minerals and metallic preparations) etc are described in this section.
Uttara Khanda – is the 3rd division of the Samhita and comprises of 13 chapters. This section deals with details of Panchakarma (5 basic treatments of Ayurveda i.e. Vamana i.e. therapeutic emesis, Virechana i.e. therapeutic purgation, Asthapana Vasti i.e. decoction enemas, Anuvasana Vasti i.e. oil enemas and Nasya i.e. nasal medications), Swastha vritta (hygienic principles), lepadi karmas (external applications), anjanadi kriyas (ophthalmic treatments) etc are explained
The presentation and content and chronology of written material in Sharangadhara Samhita was different from that of other treatises. As a result, many commentaries were written on this work by various scholars like Adhamalla, Kasiram Vaidya, Rudra Bhatt etc.
Specialty of Sharangadhara Samhita –
Commentaries and Commentators on Sharangadhara Samhita
The below mentioned are the commentaries and commentators of Sharangadhara Samhita:
Adhamalla wrote a popular commentary on Sharangadhara Samhita by the name ‘Dipika’
Adhamalla was the court physician of Jaitra simha, the king of Hastikantapura, situated on the banks of river Charmavati. He also belonged to the native place of Sharangadhara i.e. Hammirapura in the Shakambari kingdom.
Uniqueness of Adhamalla’s explanation – Adhamalla in his commentary Dipika, interpreted the verses of Sharangadhara in a different way. Example, in the context of respiration Sharangadhara quotes ‘Hridayam Chetana Sthanam’ in Purva Khanda 5/47-50 verses. But it was interpreted for the functions of the central nervous system by Adhamalla in his commentary.
Gudardha Dipika – commentary by Kashiram Vaidya –
Kashiram Vaidya was one of the best commentarors of Sharangadhara Samhita. His commentary is known by the name ‘Gudardha Dipika’.
Kashiram belonged to the period of king Sahasa Lema, son of Shershaw, who ruled approximately around 1550 AD. Hence it is inferred that Vaidya Kashiram belongs to 16th century.
Kashiram Vaidya has quoted references from Madana Vinoda (14th century AD), Pathya Nighantu (15th century AD) and Bhavaprakasha (16th century AD). Thus it can be inferred that Kashiram Vaidya belongs to 17th century AD.
Ayurveda Dipika – commentary by Rudra Bhatt –
The commentary written by Rudra Bhatt on Sharangadhara Samhita is known as ‘Ayurveda Dipika’
Rudra Bhatta was the son of Kinnera Bhatt, the royal physician of Abdul Rahim
The work of Rudra Bhatta is not available in full form. The work only up to Madhyama Khanda was available with Vaidyaraj Yogeshwara Sharma. It was not published.
Rudra Bhatta also wrote a commentary on Vaidya Jivana by the name ‘Dipika’. Vaidya Jivana was written by Lolamba Raja
Rudra Bhatta wrote a voluminous treatise on medicine also. Krishna Bhatt, grandfather of Rudra Bhatt wrote a commentary on Charaka Samhita.
Commentary by Vopadeva –
Acharya Vopadeva was a great scholar who was well versed in Ayurveda, Vyakarana (grammer), Jyotisha (astrology) and allied subjects. He wrote a commentary on Sharangadhara Samhita.
Vopadeva was the son of Keshava, a great physician and a friend of Hemadri. Hemadri was the commentator of Ashtanga Hridaya. He was the disciple of Pandit Dhanesa. He was the royal physician of Mahadev, king of Devagiri.
Vopadeva also wrote a commentary on Siddha Mantra, a work of his father
Vopadeva also wrote Shatashloki. He also wrote a commentary on his own work.
Hemadri wrote commentaries on the other 2 works of Vopadeva namely ‘Muktaphala’ and ‘Harileela’.
Vopadeva has number of works on his name in various subjects. They are as follows:
Vyakarana – 10 works, Ayurveda – 9 works, Jyotishya – 9 works, Sahitya – 3 works and Bhagavata – e works.
Vopadeva also has composed a Nighantu by the name ‘Hridaya Dipika’ which was edited and published by Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
Vopadeva belonged to Vedpur, capital of king Simharaj, on the banks of River Varda
Summing up –
Sharangadhara Sanhita is an important reference for Ayurvedic doctors. Its uniqueness in explaining and presenting certain topics like Nadi Pariksha, measurements, kashaya kalpanas, terminologies etc makes it an important treatise.
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